Thursday, 16 September 2010 get Fancy

Okay so we all knew that the VMA's this year was no where near as exciting as last years with out Kanye West's outburst and the wardrobe malifunctions. BUT what did create some form of hype was Justin Bieber winning the "Best New Artist" award over the public favourite Drake. As always the camera went straight to a shot of Bieber's reaction but what we didn't expect was for the camera to turn to see Drake's reaction rather than follow Bieber up the stage. "How is this creating hype" you ask..well because Drake's reaction was to say "I QUIT" not realising that the camera was on him. Although we could not hear what he said..he mouthed it pretty clearly. Ofcourse Drake denies this and says he said "I knew it." In all honesty I agree with Drake, I would quit too!