Saturday, 25 September 2010 discuss!

Today's topic of discussion is butt implants! It has become the new trend with all sorts of celebrities supposdely getting it done...from Kim Kardashian to Nicki Minaj. It has clearly worked wonders for both of these ladies and has proven to be just as any other surgery a great way to boost an image and self esteem when done by a professional surgeon.

However just as any other surgery there are now "the back street lane." What this means is that there are now illegal doctors practising this ilegally on comstumers for cheaper than what the professional price would be. This leads to ruined buttocks tissue and can also leave scars and damages that are too horrid to post on the blog. But if you get lucky you might just walk away with a buttocks that is deformed.

My opinion on this issue is that if people feel insecure about their "junk" then they should do something about it if they feel the need to. However they should get it done professionally and make sure they remember that there is NO going back.