Sunday, 8 August 2010 discuss!
Tattoos have always caused a spur amongst people. Nearly everybody has an oppinion on tattoos, be it good or be it bad. Personally I am all for tattoos. Tattoos often tell stories of peoples lives and add characteristic to someone. Just by questioning someone on one tattoo you will have opened up a whole chapter of ones life and that is why i see the beauty of them. I know that people would say the famous quote that our bodies are temples and we shouldn't deface them. Well i believe our bodies are canvas that should be yours to decorate as you please. However with that said tattoos are often made under drunk conditions or to add street cred. They also have potential dangers when not given under proper conditions. But every form of art has its own downfault, it still doesn't take away any of it's beauty. Let me know your stance on this issue! (: