Tuesday 17 August 2010

...for cartoons

Personally, my favourite cartoon of all time is Bugs Bunny. I have still not discovered what it was that made Bugs my favourite. I think you can all remember his catch phrase of all time "Eh...what's up doc," he said while usually chewing on a carrot. A classic move that was and had me smiling everytime he said it.

However I think the best cartoon of all time would have to be Tom & Jerry. Tom and Jerry has been around for centuries and still makes, children, teenagers and adults laugh. It was always Tom chasing Jerry and just as you would think 'for once Tom will catch Jerry', Jerry just outsmarts him. I was always on Jerry's side but my friend on the other hand felt sorry for Tom and prayed that just once Tom would catch Jerry. Anyway, I think we can all agree that Tom and Jerry are the funniest of all time.