Tuesday, 29 June 2010

...to discuss!

Check Spelling
The discussion of today is Street art. Is it art or graffiti?

Personally, I enjoy all different forms of art. When I look at a painting by Michael Angelo I see classical art, I appreciate the messages that Angelo was trying to deliver. However when I look at art by Magdy ( a famous street artist) I see the story of this generation told through a painting. Then when I see art such as the picture above I feel like it is this generations form of expression. I don't see this as disgusting, I see it as creative and talent.

However, when an amateur or a hooligan tries to spray paint his name or other ridiculous stuff then we have graffiti. Art is a form of expression and unless it is in anyway artistic and with the consent of the person who owns the public property it is in my books considered as graffiti.