Thursday, 18 November 2010

...for a New Artist.

Earlier in the year I was at a coffee shop with one of my girlfriends I ran into a new 22year old artist called Jessie J. We spoke to her briefly and she left us her demo. Now this wasn't the first time I had been given a demo in a coffee shop (as we all know thats the home away from a studio for real artists) so I was reluctant to check it out. But when I read her credintials on the back of her demo and seeing her artistic cover I thought listening to it wouldn't hurt.
[The back of the demo said that she had already written for Christina Aguliera,Chris Brown, Miley Cyrus,Alicia Keys, to name a few.]
So when I played it I instantly fell in love. Her voice is so pure and innocent while her lyrics are so reaching. She reminds me of Lilly Allen+Gaga+Minaj. She is very very differnt and will soon take the industry by storm so beware!